Wednesday 12 February 2014

Press Release: Love Hypnosis Exchange at QCA's O'Week

During 2014 ‘O’ Week the QCA Galleries will be hosting a number of exhibitions on campus to promote the artistic endeavors of QCA students and alumni. The exhibition is co-curated by Liz Shaw, Cassandra Lehman-Schultz, Hailey Atkins, Simone Linssen and Michelle Dunne


Previously performed for exist-ence festival, Brisbane (2010), Monopoly Child, Brisbane (2010), Pyramid Projects, Melbourne (2011), Muhammad Lugas: Independence, Yogyakarta (2011)

Love Hypnosis Exchange is a group activity facilitated by Nicola Morton. It is all about spinning to get into a trance then putting a sticker on a neighbour's body. After 8 spins – stickers of different colours and radiuses are exchanged.

the audience is trying to trance out. – they spin left for 8 counts, the beep happens and they put a sticker on someone else, then spin right for 8 counts. This continues for over 10 minutes, to allow 100 stickers of each participant to be exchanged. Preparotory balancing and breathing exercises are conducted beforehand for the audience's wellbeing.
Photos by 1) Rin Healy; 2) Kate Geck; 3) Isrohan Alvarez 

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