Wednesday 6 August 2014

Artificial Intelligence: The Spider In the Machine

My first scientific report has been published by New Zealand journal Freerange in Vol 8.

"This issue is dedicated to the exploration of the nexus between animals, humans and robots...
These problems must not be left solely for futurologists and philosophers to muse over, but, being the blueprints for future human organisms (and therefore also for future societies and cultures), must be the notional playthings of us all, for we are humanimal-kind. We hope this issue inspires you to augment yourself intellectually, and to be an engaged contributor to the future of human-robot-animal kind."
Edited by Andrea Rassell
from my report, "Artificial Intelligence: The Spider in the Machine"

"This report details an experiment aiming to collaboratively build psychokinetic power. The Spider in the Machine experiment probes whether natural spirits are transferring themselves to the digital environment...
a free download or purchase in print from

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