Tuesday 31 January 2017


as part of the Feedback Program, working with clients on the Autistic spectrum, I've produced two videos for my friend, Paulo Donia. We were really lucky to work with a video synthesizer and we were inspired by a gaming look..

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Documentation: All Girl Electronic Program

The All Girl Electronic Program Pilot was a success, can't wait for what the next years have to offer.

Could not have done it without this amazing list of people:
Nina Doan
Jade Diaz
jennifer Andrade
Kelly Lam
Ve Ramanathan
Liliana Occhiuto
Leila El Rayes
Jennifer Andrade
Hannah Lockwood
Emily Collins
Sofie Loizou
Casey van Reyk
Sarah Belkner
Emma Ramsay
Victoria Harbutt
Julia Mendel